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Enhancing Retention for Peachy's Booking Flow

Peachy's Booking Flow is crucial for acquiring new customers, making it essential to optimize the user experience. This case study outlines the journey and the strategies implemented to increase user retention.

The Evolution of Peachy

Founded in 2019 as a wrinkle-prevention studio, Peachy experienced rapid growth in 2021 after securing funding. However, this growth strained the booking flow, leading to issues in user flow, hierarchy, usability, and most importantly, retention.

The Challenge

This project aimed to address the conversion rate on the "Select Appointment Screen", with a focus on understanding user behaviors. High-level goals included simplifying the user experience, addressing user drop-offs, strategizing for future scalability, and improving backend traceability.

  1. Simplify and enhance user experience.

  2. Address mobile user drop-off issues.

  3. Develop a scalable Booking Flow strategy.

  4. Improve backend traceability for user behaviors.

Role & Collaboration

​Managing and leading the project, I collaborated with a Product Designer, Product Manager, and Lead Engineer. The project, initiated in early Fall 2022, aimed to create a user-friendly, scalable Booking Flow.


Stakeholder interviews were conducted with C-suite, VP of Growth, CX Team, Operations, Product Manager, Lead Engineer, and Creative Director to understand diverse business needs. A stakeholder analysis grid helped identify critical communication points.

Early Insights

Mixpanel revealed a significant drop between the "Schedule Appointment Screen" and "Enter Details Screen" particularly on mobile, which constituted two-thirds of bookings. User testing on 6 external users exposed issues like excessive clicking, scrolling, and lack of context, leading to frustration and drop-offs.

The Response

Addressing user pain points, the focus shifted to visual hierarchy and componentry. Emphasis was also placed on accommodating additional features and enhancing data collection for business stakeholders.

Defining Success 
  1. Enhance Mobile Screen Retention Rate.

  2. Minimize User Interaction Pain Points.

  3. Enhance Information Clarity.

  4. Backend Data Enrichment.

  5. Optimize Navigation and Minimize Redundancy.

Competitive Analysis 

With a clear understanding of our success metrics, my focus has been on comprehensively studying our competitors and analyzing booking flows employed by larger companies. The objective is to glean valuable insights that can enhance our own strategies.

Key Insights:

Optimizing Mobile Experience

​Examining the success of Heyday's collapsible calendar, I identified an opportunity to enhance the mobile experience for two distinct user types: the Next-day Booker and the Return 3-Month Out Booker. Implementing a collapsible calendar can efficiently utilize screen real estate, especially for highlighting the current week's appointments. Users can toggle between an expanded view, allowing them to explore the full calendar and seamlessly scroll through months.

Unified Chip Filters

Observing the prevalence of chip filters across various platforms, we recognize the importance of adopting this user-friendly feature. Integrating chip filters can streamline the user experience and provide consistency across different interfaces.

Desktop Calendar Enhancement

Bringing a full calendar view to the desktop interface emerges as a potential improvement. This adjustment aims to facilitate easier navigation of appointments, offering users a comprehensive overview. Simultaneously, it clears up valuable screen space, allowing for a more organized display of appointments based on the time of day.

By aligning our strategies with successful features identified in competitive analyses, we can refine our platform to better meet user needs and expectations.

User Flow & Information Hierarchy 

In the preliminary ideation phase, I delved into various iterations of the user flow, experimenting with different access points for screens, including the incorporation of slide-out drawer menus. Following a thorough examination of these options and gathering valuable in-house feedback, I ultimately chose to retain the current user flow. However, my focus shifted towards enhancing universal navigation and refining content hierarchy to optimize the overall user experience.

Mid-Fidelity Prototype

To test our assumptions, I moved forward to create a rapid wireframe prototype and validated it through concept testing sessions with users. Due to limited time constraints and resources, the testing was conducted with our in-house operations team and CX team.

The Evolution of Peachy

Founded in 2019 as a wrinkle-prevention studio, Peachy experienced rapid growth in 2021 after securing funding. However, this growth strained the booking flow, leading to issues in user flow, hierarchy, usability, and most importantly, retention.

Key Insights:

High Cognitive Load

Users acknowledged improvements in the screens; however, concerns were raised regarding content overload. The need for simplification and reduction of information was highlighted.

Navigation Issues

The hierarchy of navigation elements was not prominent enough, leading to a lack of clarity in the booking flow. Users struggled to find a clear exit point, indicating a need for enhanced navigational cues.


The sequence of information for Chip required reorganization. Prioritizing the Provider as the foremost detail, followed by Time, and concluding with Location, will enhance the user experience and align with user preferences.

Booking Flow Select Appointment Screen 


Enhanced Mobile Screen Retention Rate:

Achieved a 13% increase in conversions, surpassing the initial 10% goal.


Minimized User Interaction Pain Points:

Hotjar data indicated reduced time spent and fewer clicks on the screen.


Enhanced Information Clarity:

In-house feedback validated improvements, albeit with time constraints.


Backend Data Enrichment:

Introduced a new filter for time of day, providing clearer insights into user preferences.


Optimized Navigation and Minimized Redundancy:

Long-term strategies for new features, including out-of-state locations and a referral program, were planned during the redesign.

The project's success not only improved mobile retention but laid the groundwork for future growth, ensuring Peachy's Booking Flow can adapt to the company's expanding needs.

Call Outs

A/B testing and Mixpanel tracking revealed significant improvements:

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